If you're interested in using A.I. to improve your business, then  REGISTER NOW! 
If you're interested in using A.I. to improve your business, then  REGISTER NOW! 
During these 5 days, discover how fun and simple it is to use A.I. such as Chat GTP and Google Bard to save time and make more money! 
  • Complete business & marketing tasks faster than ever
  • Improve your writing and easily optimize your sales funnels
  • Feel empowered and efficient using A.I. as an evolving business tool
Do you dream of being able to ...?
Master core business tools that make money even while you're sleeping such as having your website & sales funnels done and optimized
Create additional income streams from your business or life's work, effortlessly receiving new leads and payments
Free up your time and joyously stay in your 'zone of genius' doing what you're best at, while letting your virtual assistants look after the rest

If that is you, then join Ren Robertz, a seasoned industry expert, for this FREE WORKSHOP teaching Business Owners how to use 3 Keys to Maximize Using AI In Your Business to Increase Profits.

Let's work together to create something valuable that you can sell or use as a free lead magnet. Use A.I. to help you complete and optimize your work.

You could: finish next month's marketing content, optimize web pages, write descriptions for a new product or course, publish a great blog post, or design a helpful PDF as a gift for new leads.

How will YOU improve your business using A.I.?

Set a goal or two for a business project you'll complete within the next five days.

We'll celebrate with a 'BIG REVEAL' on Monday!
Yes! I want in!

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DATES: Thursday, September 14 to Monday, September 18, 2023
TIME: 11am Pacific for 30-45 minutes each day

I am so excited to share all of this rich and essential training with you - for free!

Learn the easy-to-use AI tools to help you complete your business tasks, streamline your automation, and maximize your content and efficiency.

A.I. saves you time, energy, money, and takes your business to the next level.

Over these 5 days you will learn:

Day 1 (THURSDAY) - Use A.I. to Create Content

Day 2 (FRIDAY) - Use A.I. to Refine Marketing

Day 3 (SATURDAY) - Use A.I. to Generate Cashflow

Day 4 (SUNDAY) - A.I. 'Hot Tips' with Work Time

Day 5 (MONDAY) - The 'BIG REVEAL' + Q&A

Maximize A.I. In Your Business Using These 3 Keys:

A.I. Capabilities ~ Cashflow ~ 

Stop wasting precious time and money trying to figure things out alone.

Instead, spend more time doing what you love in your business.

Together let’s make 2023 your best yet!

Warmest Regards,

Ren Robertz

Register Now for FREE
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Meet Ren Robertz, Founder of FFJ
Ren Robertz is the founder of the Financial Freedom & Joy! Program. She teaches entrepreneurs to feel more confident, utilize technology to gain more freedom, and grow their own passive income streams.  She’s been building businesses since she was 19, growing her first business to over $500,000 in annual sales within 3 years. It remains an industry leader in Los Angeles.
Ren currently manages 5 online businesses and enjoys the freedom lifestyle they support. She can be found running her companies anywhere - from a remote tropical beach to her backyard chicken coop! Ren's big goals include preserving over 12 million acres of wildlife habitat and helping millions of people have more joy & reach financial freedom.
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Ren Robertz is a CEO, transformative business coach, award-winning speaker, is certified in many business tools, and is the creator of the FINANCIAL FREEDOM & JOY! Program, which helps entrepreneurs grow their companies, their income, and their peace of mind.

What Others Are Saying About FFJ

"Two days ago I made friends with Chat GPT and it reduced me to tears of joy after it produced an amazing 200 word bio.”
In 2 hours, Willa Doreen completed so many items plaguing her TO DO list for months including: 
  • Writing her biography for her business pages
  • Composing an introduction as a guest speaker
  • Well-written descriptions for her free landing page
  • Plus client surveys, forms, marketing emails, social media content & more! Woo hoo! 
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Willa Doreen LeBlancq, B.C. Canada
Business Owner & Reading Specialist
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"Technology has been a huge learning curve for me! After FFJ, I understand these platforms and many others. I've learned it's simple, free (or low cost), manageable and fun. It has opened a whole a new world to me that's not intimidating, costs money, or is time-crunchy. FFJ is such a fun learning environment it's like having your friends over for a party and at the end, you've all learned these amazing tools AND made new friends. Life + business doesn't get any better than that!"

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Sandy Skaar, New Mexico
Business Owner, Coach & Affiliate Marketer
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"My biggest challenge [as a new business owner] was getting overwhelmed by all the options out there. Ren has an amazing way of taking what seems so complicated and making it simple to dive into your business. She is patient and brings that calm to all of us as we learn to find joy even through the hard parts. Having a group who at could look and collaborate on things I was working on, such as a landing page, logo, or website, was priceless. You don't need to do it all alone, join this supportive community!"
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Michelle DeKeyser, Wisconsin
Business Owner, Coach & Author


Learn & Implement This Training Together!
Grow Your Business Using A.I.

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A.I. Workshop:
*By providing an SMS number you agree to receive text messages
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